On Windows, we recommend installing the Hosting Bundle, which includes the. The ASP.NET Core Runtime enables you to run existing web/server applications. Run apps - Runtime Tooltip: Do you want to run apps? The runtime includes everything you need to run. NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.20 Language support C# 10.0 F# 6.0 Visual Basic 16.9 NET Runtime 6.0.20 ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0.20. Visual Studio support Visual Studio 2022 (v17.0) Included in Visual Studio 17.0.23 Included runtimes.

NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.20 Language support C# 10.0 F# 6.0 Visual Basic 16.9 SDK 6.0.120 Downloads for. Visual Studio support Visual Studio 2022 (v17.2) Included in Visual Studio 17.2.17 Included runtimes. NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.20 Language support C# 10.0 F# 6.0 Visual Basic 16.9 SDK 6.0.315 Downloads for. NET applications, using command-line tools and any editor (like Visual Studio). Build apps - SDK Tooltip: Do you want to build apps? The software development kit (SDK) includes everything you need to build and run.