Still I should show you guys what it looks like. I can adjust it to be very clear very close, but then you cannot see anything far away. I can move the focal point with it This was just for my own fun. I switched out the lens from another camera. excuse my language It s fine until you get close up. I have the USB-B and it works, but the image quality kinda sucks. The nice ones I see that have the empia 28xx are the HDI-712 or MD-830UF Dexis, Dentrix Image, VixWin, XDR, Kodak. If you guys buy any camera that has an Empia 2820 or higher, I can get it working with whatever. Which I thought my client was using Apteryx for that, but he isn t. I tested the EP40 and it works with Open Dental s intraoral. 1 small difference but nothing to care about. Both the MD-740 and the EP-40 have autofocus which really is just a non adjustable lens that has a focal point from like 10mm to 50mm or whatever Both the Md-740 and EP40A are the same camera. I was told it had an Empia 2860 but the person who told that to me was wrong. but the capture only works in Open Dental s intraoral camera feature and in Apteryx as well.

Posts: 122Joined: Tue pmLocation: Miami/Puerto Ricoĭon t buy the MD-740 or EP-40. If you are bridging to an Imaging software and can make it work with the ones you mentioned, there is no need to use OD Imaging So far the only way I can make it work is using their cheap software.

How do you get the freeze and capture button to work inside Dexis and Vixwin. Location:HOME DOWNLOADS HK-780 Dental Software Download. New brand 4m pixels dental intraoral camera usb connection hk780. Comes With 1 Year.ĭental camera hk-780 usb driver. The images can be saved via New Brand 4M Pixels Dental Intraoral Camera USB Connection HK780 UVC without driver, plug-and-play, easy to operate. USB connection, can be connected directly to PC or Laptop.